Cremation Jewelry

Cremation Jewelry is a beautiful way to hold our lost loved ones close to us for the rest of our lives. Saying goodbye is so very hard and sometimes having a small piece of them with you makes it a little less hard.
We recently lost our first family dog, Bella. She was with us for 13 years and was 15 years in total. She was the best dog you could ever ask for. Our hearts were and still are broken and healing from this loss. She was a big part of our lives.
When Bella passed, my oldest picked out this ring you see below and asked that I design her an ashes stone that was black and white like she was.
Today I get to pass this on to my daughter for her to keep close for many years to come. This was and will always be her fur sister. Best friends for 13 years.
I am absolutely honored to be able to bring this art form to you and many others out there to help bring a small amount of closure to your family.


New 20oz Tumblers Making their debut


March DIY Party